Dr. Zou Lunlun the famous Guzheng virtuoso with Sir Raymond Young joint starred in a charity concert “Blessing forever”.
Dr. Zou Lunlun the famous Guzheng virtuoso with Sir Raymond Young joint starred in a charity concert “Blessing forever”.
2015年10月30日, 著名古箏演奏家鄒倫倫博士與楊立門爵士聯合出演的慈善音樂會「但願人長久」。
One of Dr. Lunlun Zou’s students expressed her appreciation in her Guzheng classes. She was deeply inspired.
Congratulations to Dr. Lunlun Zou for her World Outstanding Chinese Award. Lunlun is the first performer gaining this award. She has founded IAMA with a goal of helping the public to understanding chinese traditional music. She also helps raise fund for charity by performing guzheng.
For details, please refer to wenweipo on September 23rd, 2015.
作為首位音樂家獲獎人鄒倫倫博士表示由衷的感謝並代表獲獎嘉賓發表獲獎感言。 她強調:音樂藝術是人類的共同語言,是愛與和平的使者,鼓勵大家特別是青年人積極投入到藝術文化的學習中努力致力於承傳祖先藝術文化的瑰寶。她鼓勵在世界各地的華人青年朋友們,通過對中華文化藝術的學習和瞭解增強個人的自我認同和民族自豪感,從而努力推動中華文化的偉大復興!
作為殿堂級古箏藝術大師,鄒博士弦鳴天籟音,箏光耀五洲 。鄒倫倫博士,生於古箏世家,以優美而絢爛的演奏風格聞名,表演有著強大的感染力和攝人的魅力,她為古箏藝術融入了現代音樂演奏氣息。她的聽眾包括國家元首、政治名人、社會傑出人士如中國國家主席江澤民、澳洲總理霍華德、紐西蘭總理詹尼謝普利等都是她的座上客。十年前於香港開辦古箏學院致力培養青少年和國樂愛好者學習和認識民族音樂,努力推廣以傳統音樂藝術推動國民教育,大力支持慈善及非牟利機構為學校、老人院、香港各大學府等進行慈善義演、籌款募捐等⋯
On 8 September 2014 Lunlun Zou’s students performed at the Mid-Autumn festival party the Hong Kong Country Club which was attended by more than 500 members and guests. Their performance was well received by the audience. The performance started with a cheerful duet “Fengyang Flower Drum”, followed by the elegant classic Songs of “Fishermen’s Joyous Return”.
Coria Wong’s solo “Song of Fishing Ling ” and Zoe Leung’s solo “Autumn Moon over Han Palace” presented audience vivid graphics of beautiful moonlight by melody. Georgette Tso’s rendition of Shan Bei folk song “Nanniwan” has ignited the atmosphere of the party. And Yannis Lin’s amazing techniques when playing “Sunshine over Jin Gang Mountain” was warmly applauded by the audience. Maisie Luk played “Spring Returned to Snow-capped Peaks”, followed by “The Moon Represents My Heart” by Master Lunlun Zou and violinist Du Lan. Their performance has brought the party to a climax. The performance ended with guzheng ensemble “Fighting with Typhoon” by Master Zou and her students which they won the audience by their outstanding techniques, elegant style and passion.
The success of the performance is contributed by students of the Lunlun Zou Guzheng Studio and sponsors. Others participating in the performance were Ruby Wong, Melissa Wong, Timtim Hong, E Tech Wong, Alice Siu, Rosa Ho Ching Sui and Candy Tsing Ying.
Special thanks to Mr Gary Tso and Mrs Victoria Tso.
Photos from this event can be seen here.
以古箏合奏「鳳陽花鼓」為首的歡快喜慶的民族音樂拉開了演出序幕,古曲「漁舟唱晚」再次帶領大家進入了古老而優雅的意境。美女Coria Wong 的古箏獨奏「漁光曲」與當晚的月亮遙相呼應形成了樂中有詩,空中有畫的景象。神女Zoe梁一曲悠揚的「漢宮秋月」引領嘉賓一嚐望月懷古之情。
曲風一轉淑女Georgette Tso以 一曲活潑的陝北民歌「南泥灣」使全場氣氛再度活躍起來。小神童林雅怡以精湛的技巧演奏了「井岡山上太陽紅」得到了全場的熱烈反響。才女陸藝明的「雪山春曉」令觀眾仿佛進入了白雪皚皚的西藏高原為酷熱注入了清爽。
鄒倫倫老師和小提琴家杜蘭以全場摯愛的「月亮代表我的心」將演出推向高潮。最後鄒倫倫老師帶領學生們以一曲極富感召力的「戰颱風」結束表演。全場掌聲雷動,觀眾無不喝彩!這次成功的演出非常感謝《鄒倫倫古箏學院》同學們的努力和各界的大力支持。參加演出的學生還有Candy丁,Ruby Wong,Melissa Wong, 洪湉湉, 黃意得, Alice 蕭,Rosa何等。
特別鳴謝: Mr. Gary Tso & Mrs. Victoria Tso.
Start your Chinese New Year celebrations on the right note!
You are warmly invited to “Oriental Trio”, a concert of Chinese traditional music by the band “Oriental Trio” (also known as “3 Girls’ Band” and “Three Sisters”) to be held at the Utzon Room in the Sydney Opera House on Saturday 8 February 2014 commencing at 3:00 pm.
This special concert celebrates Chinese culture at the time of the Chinese New Year Festival; promoting Chinese–Australian cultural interaction, developing friendship and passing on Chinese traditional culture to the next generation. It is also to show appreciation to those who have supported Oriental Trio and promoted Chinese music in Australia over recent years.
The concert features three Chinese-Australian musicians playing the guzheng (Lunlun Zou), erhu (Ying Liu), pipa (Lulu Liu) and presenting an original selection of beautifully evocative traditional and contemporary Chinese music, and Australian compositions with Chinese influences. The concert will also feature guest Australian musicians performing with the Oriental Trio.
As the concert will be recorded live by Fine Music 102.5, please ensure that you are seated by 2:50 pm.