


會員們聆聽了鄒老師及學生們 的古箏表演后,還欣賞到加拿大名歌手王小姐的美妙歌聲、蘇叔叔的吉他彈唱、李先生的醉人架子鼓、李文偉伉儷的動人歌聲等。

鄒倫倫為參加者作了一個以主題 「舞台的表演藝術」 的小型古箏研討會。


Restaurant Heaven on Earth in Hong Kong’s hippest district, Lan Kwai Fong, proved to be the ideal setting of yet another social gathering of our guzheng club and everyone who loves the guzheng music and guzheng instrument.

It could be said that this small-scale gathering of 33 people was an event of international proportions with many attendees from Hong Kong and others from as far as Taiwan, Singapore and USA.

The party was opened with a welcome note from the club’s director Ms. Ruby Wan, who reminded everyone that GuzhengOne is a non-profit and non-commercial club, whose aim is to organize educational and entertaining social gatherings for those who can attend such meetings personally, and also to provide wealth of information to those members whose access is limited to internet.

The traditional decor of the Chinese-themed restaurant Heaven on Earth helped everyone transcend the boundaries of time and experience the relaxing atmosphere of an afternoon tea at the Chinese imperial court at a time, when guzheng music was reserved only for the emperor.

Such was the atmosphere at this event of GuzhengOne when beautiful guzheng music started flowing. Everyone felt at ease, while sipping hot Chinese tea and nibbling at small refreshments.

Yen Ming Mei opened with Shan Dan Dan Kai Hua Hong Yan Yan, Crystal performed Lake Dongting, Natalie Fishermen’s Joyous Return and Yao Festival Dance. Amy played Qin San Qu, 6-year old Xin Yi played Liu Qing Niang and Lunlun Zou performed Spring returns to snow-capped peaks.

Li Mei Feng performed Liu Yang He, Lunlun Zou’s newest student Mr. Li played Zheng. Singapore’s guzheng master Mr. Ho performed Han Ya Xi Shui and Taiwan’s Mr. Hui Rui played Fang Zhi Mang.

During a Question and Answer session Ruby Wan asked about the proper technique of playing yaozhi and Lunlun Zou answered and gave demonstrations, including difficult excerpts from Zhan Tai Feng.

The event was closed with Lucky Draw and several attendees won prizes, including music CDs and fashionable guzheng picks.













From an unknown small town in China to the world’s most important financial hub, she became the star and the center of attention of Hong Kong’s TV stations and the press, and an instant favorite of millions. This is the story of a 9-year old talented girl by the name of Panting.

Little Panting is a role model to children and adults around the world. Her talent and daily hard work are the reasons why she was able to stand out above others at such young age.

Lunlun Zou discovered Panting in August 2004 during a guzheng convention in Yangzhou, while giving her a free guzheng lesson. Lunlun noticed Panting’s talent and potential.

After the performance, everybody wanted to have a photo taken with Panting.

During the days, months and years that followed, Lunlun kept in touch with Panting by telephone and e-mail, and used video teleconferencing to help with guiding her talent. Later in April 2005 Lunlun traveled to Yangzhou to give Panting additional lessons.

This year the time has come, according to Lunlun Zou, that Panting was given the opportunity to show her advanced skills in front of highly critical Hong Kong audiences in a debut recital.

The event took place on 21 February 2006 at Sheung Wan’s Civic Center. The concert hall was filled to maximum capacity of 150 seats with guzheng music lovers, guzheng teachers, guzheng students and members of the press.

Panting performed many Chinese traditional classics, and impressed the audience with flawless interpretation of the difficult, communist-inspired Zhan Tai Feng. Among the most enjoyed scores of the event were Kang Ding Qing Ge and Hua Er Yu Shao Nian (Flowers and Children), which she played in duet with Lunlun Zou.

At the program’s end many members of the audience, including children, surrounded little Panting on the stage to congratulate her with successful debut, made friends and chatted. Many people wanted to purchase Panting’s video, which unfortunately will not be available until a few weeks from now.






鄒老師所說, 現在為她舉辦音樂會的時機已成熟了,應讓潘婷在像香港這樣一個對藝術水準有著極高要求的地方一展才華。




If it is about guzheng, if there is anything to see and if there is anyone from the guzheng industry to meet – Lunlun Zou is there. This year’s Music China trade show in Shanghai was no exception.

First in History

Even before the show started, Lunlun met with masters Xu Zhen Gao and Xu Ting Dong. She was helping out while Peter Kahl was taking lessons from Master Xu Zhen Gao and thus became the first non-Chinese guzheng-making apprentice in the history of the world. Peter Kahl hopes to design and build his own guzheng and offer it to the market during Q1 2006. His effort is closely supervised by both masters Xu.

Health Hazard

The music instrument trade show Music China is only a small part of the monstrous ProLight+Sound trade show. This is the largest music-related trade show, attracting manufacturers and buyers from every corner of the world. For 3 days, from 19-21 October, huge crowds flooded the exhibition halls, making it impossible to walk in a straight line. You even had to clear the way for pizza delivery motorcycles which were driving directly through the crowds. If you were lucky, you could hear music instruments from every direction, if you were not, you were subjected to ear drum-breaking demonstrations of mega-decibell speaker systems, made for rock’n’roll concerts. Yes, the show was a health hazard to the body.

New Products

The Music China section of the show was only a relative oasis. Familiar faces, instruments and sounds made Lunlun feel at home. She paid visit to most instrument manufacturers and carefully examined their products. Some guzheng makers were proudly displaying their approach to innovation of the guzheng instrument. Mr. Liu’s Yayun factory was introducing electronic and key-changing guzhengs. The Dunhuang guzheng factory focused on appearance with their spicy-looking guzhengs in the shape of a surfboard, covered with modern car paint. These will undoubtedly make many adolescents very excited. Only time will tell whose approach will survive the commercial viability test of these instruments.

“Let’s harness the eastern wind of the Shenzhou 6!”

Business has been good for most of the guzheng manufacturers. Everyone seemed to be in good mood, especially in the light of the recent flight of Chinese astronauts into space. Lunlun Zou overheard someone saying: “Let’s harness the eastern wind of the Shenzhou 6 to make the guzheng instrument even better!”

Feeling Disturbed

Rather disturbing was to see the lack of respect of the Chinese manufacturers to intellectual property rights (IPR). Whether this practice is legal or illegal, none of them seem to understand the obvious disadvantages of stealing each other’s designs. By shamelessly making their own products indiscernible from others, they hurt themselves, the original manufacturer, the consumer, and the reputation of the Chinese nation and the guzheng instrument industry in whole. It will be no surprise to see copies of the newly introduced products within few months. Lunlun Zou hopes that one day, China will grow up and put a stop to this immoral practice.




於展覽開始前,鄒倫倫便與古箏大師 徐振高及徐廷東父子見面。與此同時,馬天龍正跟徐振高大師上課製作古箏。他是歷史上首位非華裔的古箏製作家。馬天龍希望設計與製作一台古箏,在2006年推出市面。兩位大師皆於古箏製作過程中緊密監督。


中國國際樂器展覽會只是大型盛事「國際專業燈光音響展覽會」的其中一部分。這是個與音樂有關的最大型的展覽會, 吸引了世界各地的製造商與買家到場。由10月19日至21日,這三天內各個展覽館均擠滿人群, 弄得水洩不通。甚至在人群中穿插的披薩速遞車的通道也要清理。幸運的話,你可以聽到不同樂器所演奏的音樂;若不,周遭的巨型廣播器傳來的音樂, 可能使你覺得就像身處搖滾樂音樂會一樣,覺得震耳欲聾。對,這個展覽會可能危害參觀者身心。


讓人欣喜的地方, 不單止於中國國際樂器展覽會本身,場內讓人感到熟悉的臉孔、樂器與音樂都讓鄒倫倫感到回了家鄉一樣。她參觀了大部分參展商的攤位, 細心觀賞他們每一件的樂器製品。部分古箏製造商更向大眾展示他們製作樂器的過程。廖先生所辦的雅韻製造廠,主要介紹他們推出的電子與可變調的古箏製品。敦煌古箏廠大力推廣外型新潮的古箏, 他們製作了滑浪板形狀的古箏,並漆以現代車漆。許多成年人必定也為之讚嘆不已。在各新開發的樂器創作模式中,誰能獨佔鰲頭,有待時間的驗證吧!


對大部分的古箏製造商來說,生意也相當不俗。尤其當中國航空員成功登上太空時, 更在每人心中加添了喜悅。 鄒倫倫聽到有人說: 「借神州6號吹起的東風,古箏這個樂器更受歡迎!」




A second informal get-together of GuzhengOne members took place 17 September 2005 in Saikung, Hong Kong, in celebration of the Full Moon (mid-autumn) Festival.

Our friends and club members Sendy and Kam have volunteered to let us use their house and garden to have barbecue, chat with friends, play guzheng and enjoy. Kam together with CY were in charge of the barbecue, making sure that no one went hungry. At the same time, others were chatting, making new friends and acquaintances, putting on makeup and relaxing. Highlight of the party was Lunlun’s guzheng performance.