Concert at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on October 4, 2023

On October 4, 2023, the HKUST specially invited the famous Guzheng player Dr. Lunlun Zou, pianist Helen and young Erhu player Ruby Chan for a concert performance with the theme of Guo Gan@HKUST. It was held at Shaw Auditorium from 7:30-9 :00pm at the Hong Kong University of Science and Techhnology.

One of the highlights of this concert: Guzheng’s famous song “Fighting Typhoon” Guzheng and big drum (Dagu) – Zou Lunlun & Guo Gan’s global premiere at the Shaw Performing Arts Center of the HKUST.

Several new works by Guo Gan: “Yunshan”, “Himalaya”, “Kung Fu” and Hong Kong contemporary songs “Smooth Countercurrent”, “Lanting Preface” and other works (with friendly appearances by Helen Chong & Ruby Chan). Professor Ip Yu-ru, President of HKUST, and Professor Wang Yang, Vice-President of HKUST, personally attended the meeting with the artists. Participants include celebrities, artists, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, people from various financial circles, and representatives from various publicity media.




🌹🎶 2023年10月4日香港科技大學以 Guo Gan@HKUST Concert 🎶🌟為主題
特邀著名古箏演奏家鄒倫倫院士、鋼琴家莊凱鈴 青年二胡演奏家陳柯亦於香港科技大學逸夫演藝中心 7:30-9:00pm 共同演繹了一場別開生面的音樂會。
果敢的幾首新作品: 「雲山」、「喜馬拉雅」、「功夫」以及香港時代曲「順利逆流」、 「蘭亭序」等作品 (友情出演Helen Chong& Ruby Chan). 得到好評。
香港科技大學校長葉玉如教授、 副校長汪揚教授親自參加會面藝術家。 香港各界名流, 藝術家、企業家、慈善家、各金融界人士、各宣傳媒體代表均有參加。

HKUST Concert on 04 October 2023

HKUST Concert on October 04, 7:30-9:00pm @ Shaw Auditorium HKUST Guo Gan, Lunlun, Helen & HKUSTSU UPO.

Please scan the QR code on the poster to register. There is no seat number. You can sit wherever you come.

Welcome 👏 to listen to the most beautiful oriental music of golden autumn. 🎶🌟👍👏

Special guest artist: Ruby Chan – Master of Hong Kong Baptist University erhu performer & pop singer

2023年10月4日 香港科技大學音樂會

🌹🎶 2023年10月4日香港科技大學音樂會  
晚上7:30-9:00pm @Shaw Auditorium HKUST Guo Gan, Lunlun, Helen & HKUSTSU UPO

特邀嘉賓藝術家:陳柯亦 浸會大學碩士 青年二胡演奏家、流行歌手

Chinese-American piano educator, elected chairman of the Connecticut State Music Teachers Association, Zhang Feng’s music forum.

Music Forum:

09 Sep 15:30-17:30 IAMA International Academy For Musical Arts   
2/F, Block A, Wah Sing Bldg. 61-63 Java Road, North Point, HK

11 Sep 17:00-18:00 Greenery Music, Shop 2, Park Towers , 1 King s Road , Tin Hau ,HK

On 9 September 2023, IAMA held a sharing session on Teacher Zhang Feng’s teaching methods in Hong Kong. The participants include the head of Tom Lee Music, the President of Greenery Music, outstanding young pianists in Hong Kong, and people who are interested about the field of music education. They shared ideas with with IAMA Academy students.
Pay tribute to Teachers’ Day and pay tribute to all teachers in their respective professional fields for their hard work in education. 

Visit at Mr John Lee’s Life Passion Studio, the head of Tom Lee Music Company, on 10 September 2023.


On September 11, 2023, Felicia Zhang Feng the second music forum at the Greenery Music. Guests and artists gathered together and performed music performances respectively.




9 月9日 15:30-17:30 IAMA  國際音樂藝術學院 北角渣華道 61-63 號華成大廈 2 樓 A

9月11日 17:00-18:00 青苗琴行  天后英皇道 1 號栢景臺地下 2 號鋪

2023年9月9日 IAMA舉辦張峰老師教學法香港分享會,與會成員包括通利琴行掌門人、青苗琴行總裁、香港傑出青少年鋼琴家以及各界關注教育人士,與IAMA學院學生共同學習。致敬教師節,向所有人生中各個專業領域老師為教育所付出辛勤耕耘敬意。


2023年9月10日拜訪通利琴行掌門人 John Lee’s Life Passion Studio.


2023年9月11日在青苗琴行為張峰老師安排了第二場鋼琴教學法分享會, 與會賓客、藝術家歡聚一堂, 分別做了音樂表演。

音樂互動消息 – 2023年9月

IAMA 舉辦音樂分享講座,邀請得美國華裔鋼琴家張峰老師於 2023年9月9日 (星期六) 3:30 – 5:30pm 於本音樂學院舉行音樂分享會。


  • 教育理論與實踐指導專家,鋼琴教育及演奏家,兒童才能識別,潛能識別開發及規劃指導顧問,兒童天賦開發及理論哲學實踐指導專家。鋼琴核心素養與綜合能力發展學院和鋼琴部落基金會創辦者。曾多次獲得國際專業評審會辦法的傑出鋼琴教育獎項,被美國國家電視台報導,並被收錄美國音樂教師名人堂;
  • 美國國家音樂及鋼琴教師協會特級認證教師及考級評委,康州音樂協會副主席,獨創FELICIA3EFM 教學法和鋼琴核心素養教育體系及速成音基和視奏訓練等課程。

– 2023年9月8日 於跑馬地山光道賽馬會舉辦 “美籍華裔鋼琴家張峰老師歡迎晚宴”
– 2023年9月9日 15:30-17:30 張峰老師香港鋼琴教學法音樂分享會:
地址:IAMA國際音樂藝術學院,北角渣華道61-63號華成大廈二樓A 2566 5968 / 9669 1772