“Moonlight in the City”

Guzheng virtuoso Dr Lunlun Zou and Miss Chan Chan were invited by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to perform at the “Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Return to Motherland” held by the Hong Kong Government on 1 July 2022. 


古箏演奏家鄒倫倫博士與著名歌手陳潔靈於 2022年7月1日受香港特別行政區邀請參加香港政府舉辦的《慶祝香港回歸祖國二十五周年文藝晚會》。鄒倫倫博士任古箏表演嘉賓。


鄒倫倫博士在一次私人活動演奏中,碰上了有「金槌拍賣官」稱譽的前亞視藝人金玲的一對子女, Jasmine 與 Owen。這對可愛的小朋友非常有天份。在鄒倫倫博士的悉心教導她們古箏演奏技巧及中國音樂之美。在很短的時間內,她們已經進步良多。

請在這裡閱讀原本的明報訪問 : https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/focus/local/20201222-225991

Dr. Zou’s students

Dr. Zou met her students Jasmine and Owen in a private performance event. These two lovely kids are very talented. Dr. Zou patiently teaches them guzheng and showing them the beauty of chinese music. Within a short period of time, these two young talented kids already progressed a lot!

Please see here for the original interview from Mingpao: https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/focus/local/20201222-225991

鄒倫倫 金泉貝 廣西賀州表演


