
鄒倫倫博士在一次私人活動演奏中,碰上了有「金槌拍賣官」稱譽的前亞視藝人金玲的一對子女, Jasmine 與 Owen。這對可愛的小朋友非常有天份。在鄒倫倫博士的悉心教導她們古箏演奏技巧及中國音樂之美。在很短的時間內,她們已經進步良多。 請在這裡閱讀原本的明報訪問 : https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/focus/local/20201222-225991

Dr. Zou’s students

Dr. Zou met her students Jasmine and Owen in a private performance event. These two lovely kids are very talented. Dr. Zou patiently teaches them guzheng and showing them the beauty of chinese music. Within a short period of time, these two young talented kids already progressed a lot! Please see here for the original interview from Mingpao: https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/focus/local/20201222-225991