First informal gathering and a party of those who are and aren’t members of GuzhengOne club, students of Lunlun Zou and others who love the guzheng instrument and Chinese music took place 30 August in Yung Shue Wan on Lamma Island, Hong Kong.

Total of 20 guzheng enthusiasts from Hong Kong and USA have met at the Sau Kee restaurant to talk about their passion for guzheng and listen to live guzheng music.

Besides having a chance to listen to masterful play of Lunlun Zou, others too took turns and played for mutual enjoyment. Party participant from USA, Jennifer, who is a fourth-year student of ethno-musicology at UCLA, entertained with Liu Yang He. Even 6-year old student of Lunlun Zou, Lam Lam, had plenty of courage for her first flawless public performance.

Everyone enjoyed tremendously and already look forward to the next party.



共20幾位古箏愛好者參與了活動,他們暢談對古箏的情懷,彼此交流彈奏古箏的經驗,她們即興表演,大家分享彈古箏的樂趣。除了鄒老師的專業演奏外,大家也輪流彈奏,其中來自美國的Jennifer 是UCLA 大學音樂系四年級學生,她的《瀏陽河》也彈奏得很是精彩!此外,鄒老師年紀最小的學生,6歲的林琳也首次登場,雖然林琳年齡尚小,但她的勇氣實在令大家佩服。



Foreign students at Lunlun Zou‘s studio are not an uncommon sight. However, most recent visit of a student from Germany deserves a mention.

Fourteen year old Norman Bravo Sazo is not a typical German kid. Unlike most of his peers who are easily influenced by television and foreign films, Norman has chosen to follow his heart. Norman can tell what is beautiful, what music to listen to and what music to play. Chinese music and Chinese instruments are Norman’s choice.

Norman is enjoying his new custom guzheng, which he purchased from Lunlun Zou.

For the past 2 years, Norman has been learning the art of playing guzheng and erhu with Zhengfang Zhang in Stuttgart, Germany. Eventually, his love for Chinese culture has brought him to visit Lunlun Zou in Hong Kong, buy a very special custom guzheng and take several lessons.

Norman enjoyed interacting with Lunlun Zou’s students.

Continuously for 3 days Norman has been a student at Lunlun’s studio and eagerly learning new techniques and new songs. Being exposed to such stimulating environment, Norman felt inspired to practice harder and for longer periods of time.

Norman demonstrated his skill in front of other Lunlun Zou’s students and everyone was very impressed. This was a proof that his teacher in Germany, Zhengfang Zhang, is doing a great job.

Besides the joy of teaching Norman, Lunlun Zou enjoyed having the opportunity making an acquaintance with his mom, Paula Royce-Bravo Sazo, a professional violinist with the Nationaltheater Mannheim. Their visit was one to remember.

Mannheim, Germany, 12 June 2005

Although it is not my practice to make trusted contacts over the internet, I am glad I did in the case of Lunlun Zou.

Having been in the music profession as a violinist in an excellent opera orchestra for 25 years and a private teacher for even longer, I have been deeply impressed with the high degree of authority demonstrated by Ms Zou in all aspects of the art of guzheng. She and her husband have donated much time and effort not only in providing us with a first class instrument at a very reasonable price, but also in encouraging my son to develop his potential by spending generous amounts of time with him during our three-day visit to Hong Kong from Mannheim, Germany, where I have been promoting classical Chinese music performance on original instruments.

She has also been careful to strike a balance in her teaching by allowing him to play according to his own style, yet giving necessary musical intelligent tips without stifling his individuality. She imparts a positive motivation making students want to work harder and excel to new heights.

She is also a very sociable teacher, encouraging students to play together, which is very important later on in ensemble playing.

We are very grateful to Lunlun for her work reaching out to the world with new developments in raising the art of guzheng to new heights through knowledge of repertoire, what makes a good instrument and strings, technique, various styles and schools of playing, teaching, performing, making contacts with other leading international guzheng authorities and composers, and her openness for new ideas and styles.

Her own playing is executed using a wide dynamic range, pulling a very full sound coupled with a high degree of virtuosity as well as freedom of movement and expression within the rhythmic context of the works she plays.

I look forward to having her and Peter as a future guest performers and teachers here in Mannheim, Germany for our developing Chinese music program.

Paula Royce-Bravo Sazo


外國學生師從鄒老師的也屢見不鮮,他們來自世界不同國家和地區。無論如何,最近來的這位德國學生值得一提 。


十四歲的Norman Bravo是一位典型的德國小孩,與其他同齡人不同的是Norman有他自己的愛好,不會輕易被電視,電影,電腦了等等去左右,他喜歡中國音樂,選擇學習演奏中國樂器 。

在過去的兩年中,Norman 跟旅居在德國斯度加特的張震芳老師學習二胡和古箏,幾經周折他終於有機會認識古箏大師鄒倫倫,他帶著對中國音樂的一片赤城來到了香港找到了鄒老師,並請鄒老師幫他訂做了極其少有的高級古箏,而最重要的是他能夠利用這個歐洲假期跟鄒老師上課。

連續三天的課程使Norman 在短時間內成為鄒老師教室中最認真,最積極學習新曲子的學生。在香港的這種好學及效率高的氣氛下,Norman 更感到時間的緊迫,更應該努力與刻苦練琴。


除此之外,倫倫亦與Norman的媽媽Paula Royce-Bravo Sazo –德國曼海國家劇院的小提琴演奏家成為了好朋友。他們未來訪將成為未來的美好回憶。

德國曼海 二零零五年六月十二日


作為一名專業小提琴家並擁有二十五年工作經驗工作於一個著名的歌劇院和更長於此的教學經驗的我被鄒倫倫老師真摯的友誼,專業的教學經驗,豐富的知識所深深地打動。她和她的先生為我們的到訪付出了大量的時間和精力,不僅僅是給我們提供了一流的教學服務,還特地為我和我的兒子安排出從德國到香港這短短三天中的集中授課。她的這種責任心是那麼地難能可貴,適宜的古箏價格和高品質的樂器使我們倍感榮幸,我的兒子不但得到了高水准的專業教學,還受到了前所未有的認可與支持,鄒老師鼓勵學生要有自己的演奏風格和特點 ,不強迫學生一味地照譜死板地演奏,我的兒子深受鼓舞,這激勵了他學習的興趣給予了他學習的動力並勇於大膽地演奏出個人特點用自己的理解去演奏。我認為這才稱得上是一名大師。



她的演奏技巧 ,深奧的功底,飽滿的音色,力度的掌握等都是一流大師的風范。


Paula Royce-Bravo Sazo
德國曼海國家劇院 小提琴演奏家


During last several days Lunlun Zou has traveled through major cities of Southern China and met with guzheng makers and guzheng students.

Meeting with the Master and his Son

First stop on her trip was Shanghai. On 4-7 April she held extensive discussions with renowned guzheng maker Xu Zhen Gao, who is also known as the father of guzheng. Lunlun has hand-selected 3 guzheng instruments, judging by their sound, appearance and quality of construction. Later that evening master Xu Zhen Gao and his son master Xu Ting Dong have signed the 3 instruments with their names, date and personal dedication to each of the customers. These very special instruments were ordered through Lunlun Zou by admirers of Master Xu from Canada, New Jersey and Hong Kong.

Lunlun Zou is the exclusive agent for Master Xu and Son Co., a shop of Xu Zhen Gao and his son Xu Ting Dong. They manufacture top quality guzhengs and guqins and also welcome custom orders. Their focus is on preserving the tradition and art of crafting Chinese instruments. Unlike other huge instrument super-factories, their small shop is concerned about quality, not quantity. Their instruments are made with passion, care, love and attention to detail. Each instrument is personally made by Master Xu and his son. Most recently, Lunlun Zou and Peter Kahl have been cooperating with Master Xu and Son Co. in an effort to design new instruments.

Free Lessons in Shanghai

While in Shanghai, Lunlun Zou visited a music store of Ms. Li Ya Wen and gave free lessons to several Shanghai students. Lunlun’s visit at the store was an eagerly awaited event.

Emotional Meeting

Second stop on Lunlun’s journey was Yangzhou, ancient city famous for beautiful gardens and large concentration of guzheng manufacturers. There she met with Mr. Liu, the director of Yayuin Guzheng Ltd. and Lunlun’s outstanding student, 9-year old Panting from Baoying city.

Baoying lays 100km away from Yangzhou. Panting and her father Mr. Panxiang got on the bus in Baoying at 6:20 AM and arrived in Yangzhou at Lunlun’s hotel 3 hours later. Their trip was far from pleasant for Panting, as she experienced an upset stomach during most of the bumpy bus ride.

At last, it was 9:30 AM and with tears in their eyes they united with Lunlun.

The weather of the spring season was exceptionally favorable. Sun shone high on blue sky, slight wind was moving blossoming branches of trees. Lunlun, Panting and her father carried guzheng and chairs to a beautiful garden, where Panting demonstrated great progress in her skills. Lunlun attentively observed Panting’s play and made suggestions to help her realize her dream to one day become a guzheng virtuoso. Lunlun commented: “Panting has improved dramatically since last time I met her. Her fingers are stronger and better controlled. The resulting sound is brighter and happier.”

Talent and Hard Work

Lunlun is very honored to have such talented student as Panting. Lunlun takes every opportunity to give Panting guidance – whether by phone, e-mail or by video over the Internet. This past encounter between Panting and Lunlun was only the second face-to-face meeting, but already, Panting feels great admiration and respect for Lunlun’s instruction. Besides their artistic connection, Lunlun and Panting are great friends and Panting calls Lunlun a godmother.

Lunlun Zou cannot take full credit for Panting’s virtuosity. The one who bears full responsibility is Panting’s father, Mr. Panxiang. He introduced Panting to playing guzheng at age six. Mr. Panxiang himself is a skilled guzheng musician. It was his dream to teach his daughter an exceptional skill, which would be admired by people in her town, province, and perhaps even by whole China.

Panting’s virtuosity was not a gift from heaven. It was, and it is being earned with daily effort of many hours each. Each and every day, weekday and weekend, Panting devotes all of her spare time after school to playing guzheng, practicing and listening to recordings of other guzheng musicians.

Panting’s dream is to one day study at the Conservatory of Music in Beijing, and eventually continue at the Hong Kongs Academy for Performing Arts. This may remain only a dream, as not every talented child in China has the means to make such dream come true. Lunlun Zou prays that the stars in Panting’s future will align in her favor.





這些特別制作的古箏分別是為來自 美國,加拿大和香港的學生們預訂的。




4月6號和 7號鄒老師講學期間,很多學生早已迫不急待的等候著,其中學生初志強每天都要騎單車一個多小時趕來上課,但他認為能夠上到鄒老師的課這是值得的。


寶應距離揚州有一百公裡的路程,潘婷和爸爸潘翔早上六點二十就搭上了巴士趕往揚州去和鄒老師見面,到了九點多才到。對於小潘婷來說這可是一個漫長的行程,因為一路過來她都是在暈車和嘔吐 。


春天的揚州百花盛開分外地美麗,正如李白詩句中所說的: 煙花三月下揚州。鄒老師帶著小潘婷來到了花園中上課。令鄒老師驚訝的是小潘婷這段時間以來有了很大的進步。她說:「潘婷無論從技巧上還是速度上都比上一次上課有了明顯的提高,手指更加有力了,聲音也扎實了」 。這也許正是因為小潘婷總是有著一個夢想,並每天為了自己的夢想去努力的原因。


小潘婷從六歲起就由父親潘翔來督促學習 ,潘翔是一個很有責任心的父親,也是一位好老師,他希望能教會小潘婷所有的古箏技巧,小潘婷是他的驕傲,也是他們寶應的驕傲很多人都很羨慕她。 潘翔為人謙虛好學,本著”人從三師藝才高”的理念,不斷使潘婷得到更好的培養。

每天的刻苦練琴是潘婷的首要任務,除此之外,她還要聆聽錄音,觀看其它演奏家的光碟等,但她亦是學校中的尖子學生 ,其它功課也一樣名列前茅。




Lunlun Zou is a favorite performer at private parties of Hong Kong stars and world-renowned designers.

The name Alain Mikli is well known to all who follow the trends of fashion or know anything about beautiful eyewear. For many years, Mikli has been associated with stylish, attractive, and innovative designs. Paris and Hong Kong sight-impaired professionals cannot imagine life without Alain Mikli.

Alain Mikli cannot imagine a party without Lunlun Zou.

The party, a grand launch of Alain Mikli’s newest design PACT took place on 21 March in the exclusive Bel Air Pavilion in Hong Kong. The star-studded evening included Hong Kong celebrities Zhong Zhen Tao, Guan Zhi Lin, Liu Jia Ling, who made sure that excitement wouldn’t stop.

Lunlun Zou: “I choose Alain Mikli.”

Lunlun Zou and her band kept the Alain Mikli crowd in awe.

Centerpiece of entertainment was Lunlun Zou’s performance. She and her band kept Alain Mikli’s audience at awe – by masterful interpretation of Chinese traditional songs, as well as Lunlun’s own compositions.

Alain Mikli’s party was an event that’s difficult to forget, especially when it is the talk of the town, with coverage in major entertainment magazines and newspapers.





同樣,艾倫密克裡的晚會上,艾倫不能想象若晚會中沒有倫倫的表演 。

在晚會中他們推出了新設計品牌PACT ,許多香港明星應邀出席,他們有:鍾鎮濤,關之琳,劉嘉玲等。





Lunlun Zou with her Brazilian fan

During the past weekend, Lunlun Zou has been promoting Chinese traditional music and the guzheng instrument at the 2004 Lan Kwai Fong Carnival in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong quarter Lan Kwai Fong is very famous and popular, not only among western tourists, but also among Hong Kong residents, whether they are local Chinese or immigrants from the western hemisphere. Yes, Hong Kong has very large population of immigrants from USA, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands and other countries. Lan Kwai Fong is located in the city center, has large concentration of bars and entertainment establishments. Lan Kwai Fong stands out for its modern architecture and exciting atmosphere.

Lunlun has been stationed at a booth in Lan Kwai Fong, where she has been meeting with her fans from Brazil, Hong Kong and other countries, selling her CDs, signing autographs and answering questions about guzheng.

During the evenings on Saturday and Sunday Lunlun has given recitals in the Lan Kwai Fong Amphitheatre to bewildered audience.


For the past 3 days Lunlun Zou has been performing with her fusion band Gliss at the World Trade Centre in Causeway Bay.

Lunlun’s band Gliss has received warm welcome from Hong Kong audiences. The concerts have been covered daily by local newspapers. Chinese television station Phoenix will broadcast the concert on 22 October 2004 at 19:00 o’clock, and on 23 October at 23:00 o’clock. (Phoenix TV is available in China, Hong Kong and through satellite coverage in 56 countries.)

Three more concerts at the WTC are scheduled for the weekend of 22 October 2004.

Enjoy viewing these short music videos recorded during this performance: