“Moonlight in the City”
Guzheng virtuoso Dr Lunlun Zou and Miss Chan Chan were invited by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to perform at the “Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Return to Motherland” held by the Hong Kong Government on 1 July 2022.
Dr. Zou’s students
Dr. Zou met her students Jasmine and Owen in a private performance event. These two lovely kids are very talented. Dr. Zou patiently teaches them guzheng and showing them the beauty of chinese music. Within a short period of time, these two young talented kids already progressed a lot!
Please see here for the original interview from Mingpao: https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/focus/local/20201222-225991
Happy mother’s day
Wish you all a happy mother’s day! This song is for you!
CCTV coverage on Lunlun’s concert in Japan
Lunlun’s concert in Japan is so successful that CCTV has covered in the prime time news show. The purpose of this concert is to bring people from two countries closer to each other.
Beau Soir en Japan Concert 2017 featured in Yazhou Zhoukan
Dr. Lunlun Zou has successfully finished her Beau Soir concert in Japan. The performance is so successfully that it attracted a lot of media coverage. Yazhou Zhoukan, a well-known magazine in Asia has covered this event, please see the details at