Dr. Zou was invited to participate in the Montessori International Festival

On May 31, 2024, during the Montessori International Festival, IAMA International Academy for Music and Arts’s guzheng virtuoso Lunlun Zou and pianist Helen were once again invited to participate. They added artistic colors to the international festival organized by the Montessori International School, aiming to promote high-quality Chinese culture through music and arts. “Artists don’t just belong on the stage, … Read More


2024年5月31日蒙特梭利國際節,IAMA國際音樂藝術學院古箏演奏家鄒倫倫與鋼琴家海倫再一次應邀參加以音樂藝術傳播優質中華文化為蒙特梭利國際學校主辦國際節增添藝術色彩。 「藝術家不是只屬於華堂,也存在生活中。」-鄒倫倫蒙特梭利國際學校對於IAMA的無私奉獻表示:「我們非常感動、感恩您們對教育和藝術傳播的熱忱。我們感到很榮幸您與鋼琴家海倫再次來到我們的校園,在孩子們心中播下美妙的音樂種子!」